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Primary Research


Learning with Practical Marketing Skills

Primary Research

Executing efficient and actionable research studies.

It is common for market researchers, especially in pharmaceuticals, to spend weeks (maybe months) working with their brand team to identify business questions...only to be disappointed with the final market research report. You were hoping for insightful direction and instead get a data dump. Practical Insights has experience on both the client and supplier side. We customize your deliverables to answer the original business question. Further, we provide recommendations on converting these answers to practical marketing implementation.

Our Areas of Expertise

Therapeutic Categories

- Aesthetics/plastic surgery
- Alzheimer's disease
- Anxiety
- Asthma
- Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)
- Bipolar
- Cardiovascular risk
- Chronic pain
- Contraceptives
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
- Depression
- Diabetes
- Endometriosis
- Erectile dysfunction
- Glaucoma
- Hypertension
- Lupus (SLE)
- Macular degeneration
- Obesity
- Osteoporosis
- Parkinson's disease
- Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
- Psoriasis
- Restless leg syndrome
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Schizophrenia
- Uterine fibroids

Primary Market Research

Research Design
- Custom quantitative research including chart pulls, monadic design, pre/post design, and test/control design
- Qualitative research including focus groups, in-depth interviews, phone to web
- Multi-phased research projects (ex: qualitative-quantitative-qualitative)

Study Types Segmentation 
- Positioning
- Buying Process/Driver Analysis
- Sales Force Effectiveness
- Brand/Company Loyalty
- Market Landscape
- Forecasting
- Tracking
- ROI Analysis
- Message Testing
- Exploratory

Customer and Data

Customer Types
- Physicians
- Consumers
- Patient Charts
- Formulary Decision Makers
- Sales Force
- Caregivers
- Nurses
- Thought Leaders
- Employers

Data Sources (in addition to primary)
- IMS Physician Level Data
- Patient Level Secondary Data (SDI)
- Client Provided Call Data (i.e. detail frequency)
- CDC Datasets (NHANES, BRFSS, etc.)
- Census Datasets (American Community Survey, Census 2000, etc.)


Leverage existing market research to improve your brand.

The best way to get more from your market research studies is to have a partner that's dedicated to your program over an extended period of time. While many agencies approach new clients as a partner, their compensation is based on a per-project basis. The insights warehouse service is a longer term engagement offering. It essentially provides you with a consulting analyst (on retainer) who knows your data inside and out. This ensures that you don't end up paying for the same data twice and that you get everything you need from the data you collect.

So while you may have a storage system for your data and reports, the insights warehouse will make the information applicable to your current role. As part of this service you receive a market landscape presentation and up to 10 ad hoc requests for further analysis over the course of a year. Ad hoc requests can be any of the following: Re-analyzing of a study for a new objective, Mining information for a current issue or to help design new research, Creating a presentation for a meeting, Drafting a market research plan, and Transferring learning to support teams (e.g., your advertising agency).

Learning with Practical Marketing Skills

Developing programs based on experience, not textbooks.

We teamed up with Marketing Skill Partners, LLC to form the jointly owned Practical Marketing Skills. This is a marketing education services company established for the purpose of providing educational and learning resources on topics related to insight discovery and strategic marketing. Its programs and resources are designed to help marketers improve their overall knowledge and skills.

We offer several "off-the-shelf" options for our programs as well as completely customized workshops to meet your needs. When possible, we even use your prior research studies for relevant examples.

To make learning actionable, participants need tools and templates that apply to their job. All programs provided by Practical Marketing Skills include the creation of tools and templates specific to your program. For example, if training is requested for vendor management, an RFP template is be created for attendees to use upon completion of the training. All materials, tools and templates will become yours to replicate and reuse.